ACTLA Survive & Thrive
and other series
ACTLA (Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association)
Zoom Video Editing,
YouTube Channel Set Up
At the onset of the COVID19 Pandemic, ACTLA (Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association) offered its members various online professional development opportunities.
Click Minnow provided video editing services for some of these initiatives including the Survive & Thrive series (35 videos), Fighting the Good Fight (eight videos) and Paralegal Perspective (one video).
Check out ACTLA's YouTube channel to see some of the Survive & Thrive series.

Survive & Thrive was an eight week series created to inspire and inform Civil Trial Lawyers including tips and tricks for working from home, to leading edge discussion surrounding how COVID may change the future of the practice of law, presented by some of Alberta's best and brightest law talent.
This included creating a unique look for each week using a similar opening for each show that created a cohesive look for the entire body of work.
As well, there were four demonstration videos created using Zoom which required adding a little more finesse (and cheese!) to create a light hearted but useful series of scenarios on what not to do.
ACTLA wanted to provide their membership (Civil Trial Lawyers) with access to on demand content - instead of having to take time out of their busy lives and days to attend professional development opportunities.
Both Fighting the Good Fight & the Paralegal Perspective were online seminars edited to create content their membership could purchase and access at their leisure.​​

YouTube is best if created with proper structure in place including playlists and hierarchy. This allows visitors to find relevant content easily and creates a structure that is easier on the eyes.
Setting up their channel with necessary privacy was critical as many of the initial speakers did not have permission to use their images publicly and one week of the series was only approved for those who received the link.
As well, doing simple things like uploading your own thumbnails for your channel, and adding a logo and cover add personality and panache so users understand who you are and what you're about.