What is a hashtag?

Hashtags are word(s)/phrases, preceded by the # symbol, used to organize or classify social media posts by topic, theme, or brand. When hashtags are used numerous times by different people within a short period of time, they can ‘trend’ on different platforms, which means at that exact moment it’s being used often (usually within a region).
What are some tips for using hashtags?
· Symbols, spaces, emojis, or punctuation can’t be included in a single hashtag (including apostrophes).
· There are various schools of thought on using #Hashtags in the comments instead of on the original post. I prefer within the original post but can see the benefit of having click through. Although this is a limited study size, The Social Media Lab discovered reach was increased when Instagram hashtags were placed within the body text.
· Hashtags within private accounts are not searchable, so if you want your post to be seen as part of the hashtag, the appropriate settings would need to be adjusted (post or account settings depending on platform).
· Use #CamelCase. Camel case is when the first letter of each word is capitalized. Capital letters signal to assistive technology this is the beginning of a new word making it easier to understand for users accessing the internet in this way.

· Usually hashtags are short (consider limited character count on Twitter). However, some use long hashtags on certain platforms for stylistic reasons. Check out designer Tommy Smythe on Instagram (see photo left) for some brilliant hashtag storytelling.
What are the benefits of using hashtags?
· Organization is the most significant benefit. Since there are millions of social media posts published daily on a myriad of topics, hashtags give you access to content in a streamlined and efficient way.
· Hashtags allow you to follow and find content from others who are also interested in a topic, subject, or brand.
· Using hashtags lets users find content which:
is relevant to your products and services,
promotes outside initiatives/projects/campaigns you're involved with
advertises contests and promotions
creates a direct conduit to your brand or branding.
· Using hashtags can increase your engagement by letting others find you and letting you find others based on your content.
· You can show support for initiatives and issues outside your business with hashtags. Most campaigns or causes will adopt a hashtag. Using this hashtag shows your support and helps amplify its voice by exposing it to your followers. Aligning with relevant campaigns to your personal or company brand can create synergies and benefits for all parties involved.
· Hashtags can also add context to a post. For example, location information or even clues on tone can be found within the hashtag.
The last thing to mention in a primer on hashtags are trends. Trending hashtags (fairly specific to Twitter at this time) can provide relevant information on what’s important to people at that moment. It can also tip you off to major events, campaigns, celebrities and SNAFUs that are in the spotlight in real time. Check trending information before posting to ensure your post won’t come across as ill-timed or insensitive based on the environment at large.
Click Minnow can help you create a plan to effectively use hashtags for your organization's social media posts. Contact us to learn more.